Physical Examination


Hello Nurses,

I am curious. Do you palpate and percuss every patient that comes in? I am having difficulty with characteristics of percussion notes and their meanings. I am also having difficulty distinguishing the lung sounds, such as Crackles, Stridor etc. If you know any websites or techniques that can help me with adventitious sounds, I would appreciate it.

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele.

Personally, I don't percuss every pt, I was taught in school that this was more of an advanced assessment technique, that bedside nurses generally don't do.

I do, however, palpate during every assessment.

Below are some websites with audio lung/heart sounds, hth

during my review for nclex, i watched videos that discusses different kinds of heart and lung sounds, the one by ed4nurses is what helped me the most. check it out on you tube.

I'm on a medical floor. I never ever percuss. I do palpate every abdomen in my assessment. I will palpate other areas as appropriate.

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