Hi there. I have been considering making a career change to the medical/health care field, and have been researching nursing and CNAs. I have a question for those of you with experience.
I have heard/read how being a CNA is very physically demanding. I am an almost 40-yr old female. I am not in terrible shape by any means, but I do have a 'sensitive' lower back that I have trouble with it getting strained/stiff fairly easily. A couple months ago I picked up my 6-yr old son who weighs around 60 lbs I would guess, and that strained my lower back so that it was stiff and sore for a week. Then a couple weeks ago, all I was doing was bending over slightly to get some folded laundry off the bed and my lower back felt like it snapped like a rubber band. So after that I was sore and stiff for about 4 days (which, I was surprised that it healed so quickly after that one because it HURT when it happened!).
Anyway, I just wanted some feedback from some of you in the trenches. I will probably also post this on a nursing forum because I know RNs also do physical work, just not as much typically as a CNA. (no offense intended at all, just that seems to be the way it is). Should I look into other non-clinical areas of health care since I have some concerns about my back? I wouldn't want to spend time and money training for a career that I would have trouble physically performing. Thanks!