Philosophy paper


Our first paper is a philosophy paper on the topic of why did we chose to become a nurse linked to the QSEN competencies and nursing theory. I am all over the place with this project and don't have much time to devote to this due to the enormous amount of daily reading just to stay afloat. Would anyone be able to help me with some suggestions as far as which theory would be useful and how to all link it together? So far, I am thinking about using Jean Watson theory. Also, I understand that the essay on 'why you want to be a nurse' is rather typical paper. If anyone is willing to share theirs to help me get motivated, I would be most grateful! Thank you!

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We are happy to help with homework but we will not do it for you. All nursing students are very bust and over whelmed but we need you to start the conversation. How do you think Jean Watson's theory applies to your idea of nursing. We want to help you become the best nurse you can be! We are willing to share ideas but some schools might consider sharing the actual paper not a good idea.

Here is a breakdown of nursing theorists....great site.

As a hint: Any time you find yourself saying or writing (or thinking),"I am all over the place with this project and don't have much time to devote to this (so can you do it?)" you need to get yourself better organized. Priority-setting is a major skill in nursing, and this is where you start to learn those skills. Saying "I'm too busy to do X so can you do it for me?" is going to get you in a lot of trouble. :)

The first paper in nursing school can be intimidating. I often had professors share good examples of papers from the past, so that we had some direction. That being said, these were merely resources to get the juices flowing. Your paper needs to reflect personal values and beliefs that only you know.

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