Published May 30, 2016
1 Post
I'm about to start my nursing pharmacology class in a week and I am freaking out!
Does anyone have any helpful hints of how to study? Also, does anyone have the drug classes and drugs already written out that they don't mind sharing? I attend Ivy Tech and I have heard that you basically learn the drug classes and not a lot of specific drugs.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Good afternoon! I moved your post to the general nursing student forum to encourage responses. Good luck!! :)
106 Posts
You are correct in that you mostly learn the drugs by class, but you also need to know what drugs belong to that class obviously. When I took Pharm I would study all of the indications, side effects, contraindications, patient education, etc that pertained to that class as a whole and then I would focus on the specific medications in that class that stood out for one reason or another such as this is the only med in this class you can give to kids or only this med has this specific serious adverse effect. I recommend making your own study guides for the tests and breaking down and arranging the vast amounts of material to suit your study habits and strengths, and dont get overwhelmed with trying to study each individual drug.