Pharm flashcards?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone,

I will be starting pharm next week (yay for making it to term 2) Anyway I was wondering if anyone has used the pharmacology flashcards and which brand you recommend. Also how should I study for this class? I hear horror stories

I took Pharm last semester, and flashcards helped a ton. I made my own though, which I think helped me remember the information better. I used regular sheets of notebook paper, and I would first learn the overall drug class (ex: antidysrhythmics). I wrote the name of the class in the left margin, then all of the topics I needed to know about it (indications, adverse effects, MOA, contraindications, drugs in the class, assessment information, teaching tips, interactions, etc.) underneath it. On the rest of the page I would write what the book said about each subject. Then I would move on to the individual drugs, and do the same for them. I could then just cover the right side of the page and quiz myself. I attached a picture of my notes in case my description didn't make any sense. (;

I found learning the class then the drug easiest, because, if a question asks about a drug, and you happen to forget that detail, you can try to logically think about the class the drug is in and think through the question. I would also make sure to note anything unique about any of the drugs. For example, if any drugs had alternate uses that usually ended up on the test. I also found it helped a lot to understand the disease that the drugs treated, because understanding what was wrong made it easier to comprehend how the drugs made it right.

Also, don't be scared about pharm! I thought I would hate it too, but ended up loving it, and ended with a high A in the class. It is a lot of reading and memorizing though, so be sure to study it daily! Good luck! ?


I had just found this outline for what to put on a drug card, if it's helpful

I also really love the book "Pharmacology made insanely easy." It gives drug info in a picture to help you remember it (example: )

I'm in the same boat as you - beginning pharm next semester! I've been trying to get through Ch 1 ahead of time.

I start my pharm class on Thursday and have not used the cards that I ordered but I ordered the ones that were made by the people that made my drug guide for class.

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