

Specializes in Alittle of everything but mostly ER.

How about when someone comes in with one complaint then when you're talking to them they say "oh by the way, can I have a pregnancy test?" and it's in the middle of the night??? That's my pet peeve.


my pet peev is when you go to the break room to enjoy your 5 min lunch, after working 3/4ths of your shift, you find that someone has gone into your lunch box and eaten your lunch! never mind the fact that it is clearly marked with your name.

yeah..... the pregnancy test that was an emergency at 0300..... that is always a fav!!!

i guess walmart was out.....oh, that's right - it's free in the ed....

there should be a sign in triage. One compaint per patient per visit!!!!LOL:D

Jenny...I love your post name! That song was sooooo popular back in the day.

"867-5309..." Now I'm gonna have that rolling around in my head!

Originally posted by athomas91

yeah..... the pregnancy test that was an emergency at 0300..... that is always a fav!!!

i guess walmart was out.....oh, that's right - it's free in the ed....



"coffee, tea or flick of my bic?"

the pregnancy test saga continues.... "can i go out and smoke while i wait for the doc?" "can i have a lunch box? i came here at dinner time so i didn't get my dinner. oh and by the way, i'll need an extra one for my boyfriend, he missed his dinner too.":kiss

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Had a young lady come in last night by EMS for abdominal pain. She signed out AMA 15 minutes later and asked for a work excuse.

We had a girl come in and request a pregnancy test. Denies symptoms other than late menses. The PA that was on told her that unless she was having symptoms, he wasn't doing a pregnancy test in the ER...she went to the waiting room and started sticking her fingers down her throat so she could throw up...then she started screaming and rolling around on the floor because the abdominal pain was so bad. She got her pregnancy test...when she found out it was positive, she thanked us kindly, told us to make sure that medicaid got the bill (Medicaid, not me...I'm going to be a mommy, so I'm eligible again) and bounced out the door. She also told the PA that a good faker always gets the test she wants...sigh...

I wish I could catch my spelling and typing errors the first time...:-)

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