Published Oct 12, 2012
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
I've now heard 5, yes 5 accounts out of people I know so I thought I'd share. For the last few weeks or so, you might have seen private peds practices placing ads. They will say PT/FT and might actually say they need you 2-3 days a week, and they prefer experience but would hire the best person regardless of experience, etc. This usually causes excitement in those who always wanted peds, in new grads, or in those who just need to work! But often what you will find is a lack of truthfulness from the get go. I'm not saying that all practices deceive, but that many are doing just that. If you decide to take the job know these things:
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
I do not think that the non-compete clause is lawful in all states. But you are certainly right to point out that the "buyer beware".
xoemmylouox, ASN, RN
3,150 Posts
Well I haven't seen this occur. When I worked peds we already had a person that was "on call" . Typically this was a person who worked evenings and weekends already. They worked year round and usually this was a 2nd job. I can imagine that there are some low down places that would do this. It is a good reminder that jobs are not always what they seem.