Peds Or Adult Stethescope?


Specializes in Peds.

I work in a large peds hospital in the ER. Typically, I see patients in the age range of newborns to around 8ish. Sometimes we get adults or teens. I want to invest in a nice stethescope and I'm debating whether or not to get an adult one or a peds one. I can hear fine with my adult one now even on little ones, and I don't want to really restrict myself with the smaller peds one. What one would you guys get?

Specializes in Picu, ICU, Burn.

I have a Littmann Cardiology III. It has 2 diaphragms. One side is adult the other pediatric and each side is tunable so you can hear high and low frequency sounds. I've had it since nursing school. I take care of newborns to geriatric and everything in between and I've never considered any other stethescope. Shop around I've seen them anywhere from $120-180 online.

Specializes in Peds.

I have one of those now, but I really wanted one of these there are a few nurses who have them and they look so cute. Seem to work well too.

Specializes in Picu, ICU, Burn.

In my experience I can't hear any better with a cute stethescope than I can with a disposable one. But those are really cool! I like the blazing sun.

Specializes in Peds.
In my experience I can't hear any better with a cute stethescope than I can with a disposable one. But those are really cool! I like the blazing sun.

The kiddos love them though. Anything to keep them distracted is awesome.

Specializes in Med/Surg, IV therapy, Emerg, Peds.

I work in a peds ER and a co-worker of mine has the stethescope you want to get - the 'blazing sun' one..she LOVES it, and I have used it a few times and I can really hear well with it - they really work well..and cute too! We see newborn - 21 year olds and she uses it for everything, and find it works well even for the newborns. I'm sure if you decide to get it - you will love it too.

yea, I found "The Blazing Sun" online and it looks cute... But is it really worth the money? I have one that I got for 40 bucks and it has a bell for peds. :):):):nurse:

Is Blazing sun a pattern of Ultrascope? Does your co-worker have the adult or pedi size?

I personally prefer a switchable diaphragm + bell. I've had the Littmann pedi and now ADC Adscope pedi to use for all ages of kids and occasional adults. IMHO a peds scope works better than an adult scope on a child. Peds scopes also are a nicer fit on frail little elderly ladies than adult scopes. I think it's important for a scope to fit on a flat, not convex, area of the chest in all ausculation areas. I had a Littmann Cardio (the bell + diaphragm style they made before the adult + peds head model a pp mentioned.) I never used it after getting a goods peds scope... never needed it.

Specializes in Peds; Peds Oncology.

I have a adult Littman, and have always used it in peds with no problems.

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