Published Jun 30, 2005
3 Posts
I am a peds nurse in a small specialty hospital. We have a little boy here from Russia with OI ( Brittle-bone)- he has been living with a guardian for 2 years in the States. His medical visa has long since expired. He is admitted to our hospital about once every 2-3 months for about 3-6 day stay. He loves it there and hates going home. He is a very sweet, charming little boy who loves to help the staff and the smaller children.
His emotional well-being is at stake as his guardian finds him a burden and does not like having him around. She never visits him when he is in the hospital and rarely calls. She is always in a hurry when she comes to drop him off or pick him up , all his toys and crafts that he has gotten in the hospital are in storage here as she throws them out when he gets home. She wants to relinquish guardianship to someone here in the States who would take care of him.She ( & we) do not want him to go back to Russia as he would be medically neglected there and not educated.
I have developed quite a bond with him and have seriously considered taking guardianship of him. This process would take several months, but in the meantime I was wondering if someone could give me advice-- how would it affect my nursing license? Could I be in professional jeopardy if I did this? Could I try to find someone else to take him? How do I approach this? I have talked to the social worker who advised me to seek legal counsel- which I am- and to investigate all implications for me.
Any words of advice?
daisybaby, LPN
223 Posts
Is someone from Case Management following this little boy?
Yes, of course, but it is a sticky situation - if we call Child Protective Services, then there are possible immigration-related ramifications for him and he may be sent back to Russia or may be sent to another foster home or lost in the system.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
There are several nurses that I work with that are now the foster parents of children that were in our unit. Speak to the social worker at your facility. He/she will know the laws in your area.
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
I have developed quite a bond with him and have seriously considered taking guardianship of him. This process would take several months, but in the meantime I was wondering if someone could give me advice-- how would it affect my nursing license?
Caring for and loving a child should have no affect on your nursing license. However, at work, you would most likely loose the ability to be a nurse for this child as nurses need to remain objective. However, how luckly this child would be to have a loving concerned guardian/foster parent. TRUST YOUR GUT---good luck and many blessings in this journey.
222 Posts
Help!I am a peds nurse in a small specialty hospital. We have a little boy here from Russia with OI ( Brittle-bone)- he has been living with a guardian for 2 years in the States. His medical visa has long since expired. He is admitted to our hospital about once every 2-3 months for about 3-6 day stay. He loves it there and hates going home. He is a very sweet, charming little boy who loves to help the staff and the smaller children. His emotional well-being is at stake as his guardian finds him a burden and does not like having him around. She never visits him when he is in the hospital and rarely calls. She is always in a hurry when she comes to drop him off or pick him up , all his toys and crafts that he has gotten in the hospital are in storage here as she throws them out when he gets home. She wants to relinquish guardianship to someone here in the States who would take care of him.She ( & we) do not want him to go back to Russia as he would be medically neglected there and not educated. I have developed quite a bond with him and have seriously considered taking guardianship of him. This process would take several months, but in the meantime I was wondering if someone could give me advice-- how would it affect my nursing license? Could I be in professional jeopardy if I did this? Could I try to find someone else to take him? How do I approach this? I have talked to the social worker who advised me to seek legal counsel- which I am- and to investigate all implications for me. Any words of advice?Thanks!
Well, any news? Are u his guardian yet?