PCT resume help?


Hi everyone,

I'm starting nursing school tomorrow. It's an ASN program, and we start our first clinical in September. I'm trying to get a job as a PCT while I'm school so that I can gain experience and have some healthcare experience when I finish my ASN and start looking for my first RN job.

The trouble is, I don't really know what to put on my resume. I got married and had a baby in 2009, and have been a full-time student since Fall '09 so I haven't worked in a while. And even then, the only jobs I've ever really had were waitressing and customer service-type jobs. I don't have any professional healthcare experience.

I have a 4.0 in school and have been on the Dean's List every semester, and am a member of Phi Theta Kappa. I feel like my academic qualifications are pretty good, but I just don't know if that will be enough.

Any advice on putting together a resume that will possibly help get me a job? I'm a little confused as to whether or not I should just leave out my work experience section altogether since it's pretty irrelevant, and focus on my academic success.

Specializes in LTC, Rehab, CCU, Alzheimers, Med-Surg.

I would put the waitressing and customer service jobs on your application because they ARE relevant. As a tech you will need to know how to please your customers (the patients), and that is something that successful waitresses know how to do.

Multi-tasking and time management are also traits that techs need. I'm sure you did those in your previous jobs, so you can add that as relevant experience. You can find little things like that that will tell your interviewer that you are ready for the job!

Good luck in getting the job and good luck starting nursing school :)

I am also a nursing student and just got hired as a PCA-Student nurse. I would definitely put your jobs on your resume, just like the above poster said, they are customer service and communication skills and you will use them in nursing. If you have clinicals I would personally put those on your resume (some people would disagree, but I think its useful for them to know where you are at in the program). Under your clinicals you could list a brief sentence on what you have done in clincials, especially if there is anything different such as working with vents or something. I would include your affiliations and your GPA.

Also, if you can't get a job right now, volunteer! Sign up to volunteer in the hospital you want to work at. At the very least you have the chance to make connections.

Good luck!

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