Published Sep 8, 2014
ArrowRN, BSN, RN
4 Articles; 1,153 Posts
So I've been like about 3 months on and off with my PCT job on a very busy med-surg floor and I find that sometimes I struggle to keep up with the patient load and stay on task. The thing I do not like is that even though I ask quite a few people for pointers and tips, there are other PCT's who think I'm not doing a good job and are bashing my name with the boss about how slow I've been.
My point is why can't people just come to me a say, hey "I noticed you are doing xyz, but if you do abc, you will finish a lot quicker".
People are always looking for a way to make themselves look good by stomping on others who are trying to learn. Granted my 3 months fails in comparison to the several years experience most of the PCTs have over me. Hey you did not get your speed over night so please PCT's if you are good at your job and their is a newbie then share your tricks and tips to help others instead of being catty and talking behind people's back.
245 Posts
I will never understand why people do some of these things. If I see someone doing something the wrong way (especially a new employee), I show them the right way.
I make it a point to never go to the boss unless it is a serious issue or a patient safety issue. I am happy to say that after 8 years in my health network, I've only had to do that once.
I think people run to the boss over silly things sometimes and it always turns into a "he said, she said" situation.
Missingyou, CNA
718 Posts
Some people aren't happy unless there is some sort of drama...even if they have to create it themselves.
malamud69, BSN, RN
575 Posts
Sounds like you work with a bunch of cowards....and a construction term comes to mind: "job scared" You are new and probably don't realize you "are" doing a good job...those miserable people you work with-who probably do the absolute minimum to get by and put on a good show in front of the management-are threatened. ...typical humans: "scared and stupid" and taking it out on you...practice self preservation, do your job and be happy as a clam that this is not your end game
...don't give into the bull...!
446 Posts
Who is doing the complaining, PCTs who take over your patients at shift change? Because that's the only situation where a PCT would be affected by another tech. For the most part PCTs don't work with each other unless its just helping out turning or lifting someone from time to time, so I don't understand what they would be complaining about.
If anyone would have reason to complain about poor job performance from a PCT it would be the RNs, since they actually work with you and if you are slow or inefficient it would actually affect them.
Personally I could care less what another PCT thinks. Their opinion is about as relevant to me as what housekeeping thinks about my work. Now a Nursing home is different, because a slow or inefficient CNA really drags everyone down, especially the other CNAs, but in a hospital PCTs do their own thing separate from each other.