PCC Fall 2014

U.S.A. California


Hi all!

Anyone applying to PCC for Fall 2014? I am currently working on my application and hope to have it submitted by next week.

Good luck to you all!

Btw, is PCC stands for Pasadena City College or Pierce City College?

Pasadena City College

Ooops. I didn't apply to Pasadena) I thought Pierce. Good luck to all of you!

Specializes in Pediatrics and Adults.


DID u apply to pierce for career ladder LVN to RN or Regular. if u did for the career ladder, the results come out on june 23rd.. to who made the lottery. i know somebody who went there..

I applied to regular RN. Omggg , the end of june sooo far away.

Specializes in Pediatrics and Adults.

yup!!! because who ever makes it, they make you take RN transition class in july, it makes lots sense what my friend had said. I know the suspense is killing me..

we will be fine, keep positive thinking. If i don't get in to summer/fall will just apply to spring. Apply to many school you want. PCC is good choice too... i don't the commute wise..for you.

All my friends are nurses, one of my friend got into Harbor at the first try.

GOOD luck to all of YOU!!

Haven't heard anything yet either... It's giving me anxiety lol

Haven't heard anything yet either... It's giving me anxiety lol

They said end of next week

Just browsing thru and I'm an alternate as well for fall 2014 bridge. It sucks how they don't disclose what place we are as alternates. If I don't get in, then riverside or National University for me.

Just got my email from them. Good luck to everyone else!

Now I just have to make my final decision as to where to go.

Congrats! Has anyone else heard anything?

They said end of next week

Thanks for the update! :)

Congrats! Has anyone else heard anything?

I got accepted, but declining my spot. I will be attending LACC. Good luck to you

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