Published May 20, 2010
25 Posts
I was listening in on a case that was being discussed between a few nurses but it was not my patient. A student came in suffering from not only Anorexia, depression, severe OCD, and severe anxiety, but hypoglycemia and instances of non-epileptic seizures. She is underweight for her height which is 5'9 and 112 lbs. She had a pulse rate of 42. There were obvious mental problems with OCD and anxiety. I really felt bad. Her parents were talking to the doctor about how they recently enrolled her into college away from home. The dorm she is staying in will only let you breach your license for a severe medical condition and if it is not severe with an accompanied doctor's note, she must pay in full regardless if she stays or not. Who's right is it to say it is a severe mental condition? Any opinions?
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
Her physician. They will not likely cross his rec for fear of being acused of endangerment.
Whispera, MSN, RN
3,458 Posts
Her physician's note will be written and sent, and the school will let her out of her obligations there.