Paths to becoming a crna


Hi! So i want to be a crna. I am planning on starting wih a community college this fall and get my associate degree in nursing. Once i get my associate degree and pass the exam to be an RN. (Btw am i able to work in ICU so that i can gain experience? Or do RNs with an associate degree dont quality for that?)

After my associates degree, i plan on continuing my education and go for a BSN in a RN-to-BSN program. Then i plan on entering a graduate program to become a crna. I know you need ICU experience to be accepted in a crna program, so to gain time i was wondering if i could get ICU experience right after i get my associates an during the time i study for my BSN. Please any advice would help!

Depending on your area, you may find it hard to get into a hospital gig with an associate's degree. This is pretty regionally specific. I have heard of new grads going straight into the ICU, but some hospitals may require you to work a different floor for some time to get more experience before you move to the ICU. So, in short, it depends.

Specializes in Ambulatory Care-Family Medicine.

Just depends. Some hospitals do internships for new grads for ICU, ER, surgery and some want you to work med surge for a while first before going into ICU. Some hospitals still here associates some only want BSNs. You need to look up the hospitals in your area and see what the requirements for hire are. You can also contact their nurse recruiters for some more info.

I agree with the above comments check with your hospital and find out if they will hire you into the ICU straight out of school. I'm in CRNA school right now and took the exact road your describing. Graduated with ADN worked on a telemetry unit on the floor for 1.5 years and then got an ICU job, all the while I was doing an online rn-bsn program. Interviewed for crna school after 7 months in the ICU and was accepted. I did have over a year of icu experience before starting CRNA school though. Good luck!

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