Passing the AANP certification exam

Nursing Students NP Students


I just passed the AANP exam! It was HARD!!!:eek: I am a FNP that worked in primary care for three years but then left work to raise my children so have not worked in many years. I needed to re-test in order to get my certification back. I have been taking CEUs and studying for a full year.

The last three months I have focused my studies on the certification exam. I took Margaret Fitzgerald's live FNP certification exam prep course. It was nice to network with other NPs (mostly students); however, I would recommend buying the CDs over the live course as you can listen to the lectures over and over again until you fully comprehend the material. The handbook MF gives out at the live course is exceedingly helpful. I studied it cover to cover and now know all that helpful info to use in my practice. I bought Fitzgerald's Certification Exam and Practice Prep. book while at the review course and found it helpful, as well.

Other resources I used... Maria Condina Leik's FNP Cert. Intensive Review book - concise and to the point. I carried this smallish -sized book around with me and studied whenever I found myself with a few extra minutes - waiting in a Dr. office, at a restaurant, etc. I also bought the A. Hollier book of practice tests for ANP/FNP. I found the questions in that book very stimulating and challenging, quite helpful -great review book. I hear she also has a good review course on CD. I spent a GREAT deal of time with my Barbara Bates Physical Assessment textbook and I cross-referenced with another advanced practiced PE book. I must say I was disappointed to find that all the exam - prep books I used were a bit outdated on one topic or another - and I made sure to buy the latest edition of each. I imagine it takes quite a while to get a book to print and by the time it's approved some of the info. is already outdated. Margaret Fitzgerald said that most of the info. on the exam is about one to two years dated so the "hot off the press" mateial will not be on the test, and I found that to be true.

It was quite difficult! In a way I am glad, as I do feel very challenged and I believe nurse practitioners need to be held to very high standards as we are so regularly challenged in the field. I would encourage you to study as much as possible. Know that what was on my exam may well be very different from what may be on yours as the tests are randomly generated.

Now I need to find some kind soul to precept me as I have been out of work so long and do believe I need some practice before just diving back it! Please keep your fingers crossed for me! Good luck on the exam!


I going back to try it again. I too agree that the test was quite difficult. I am finding that the LEIKS book seems to give you the best information as it relates to key things to look for when taking this test! Congratulations on passing the test! I will be able to say I passed very soon! I was very nervous when I realized there was still much material that I did not know>


How many questions did you review and did you feel liek was the best. Can you recall what the test was like. Taking the test in September. Thnx

Hello Chief,

I have reviewed over a thousand questions. How about sending me an email to [email protected]. Would like to study with you it may help the both of us. I though the test was difficult to some degree. When you send me an email, perhaps we can exchange numbers. My study buddy passed. He helps me a great deal and I am sure that I will pass this time. I am aware of the mistakes I made. Hope that I reach you before your test. I am sure you will do well!


Any tips for taking the AANP for FNP? I purchased the AANP practice exam, and sad aa it may be, I didn't do well, and that was just a practice exam.

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