passes my cnet lpn entrance exam, whats next??


hey, so i passed my cnet entrance exam and i am scheduled to take another exam. The letter says the tea and the tabe, but i heard i am only taking the tabe from a friend. anyone knows??? please help!

Omg hI hazel! I passed the cnet and when I read your post about the reason was like what?? So I read my letter I didn't even notice that it said teas and tabe!!!!!! I was so happy I passed I didn't read the letter thoroughly! by the way do you have all your documents ready? I'm scared they wont let me take the tabe cuz I lost my diploma ss card and birth certificate help! :(

hey..I will really appreciate it if we keep in touch. Here is my email address. email me asap. I really need to talk to someone about the next step!! its a good thing u read my post. I am a bit confused about the teas and tabe. I did call cnet on me and i will let u know what they said!!!!! [email protected]

and please message me anytime. I am up !!!!

Hello! I am new to the site. I am applying to the NYC DOE LPN program for Fall2012. Has anyone taken the TABE and TEAS examinations yet? Or received an application??? I am so nervous about the next steps and what to expect.

Hey!!! I am new to this site as well! I took my cnet on march 3rd, got my scores back(37 correct=87% reading, 43 correct=62% math, and 49 correct=42% language). there was a second letter that said although my scores did not immediately qualify me for the program, they would like me to come in and take the teas and tabe tests because they may have openings for a select group of candidates on a probationary basis. well, I took my tabe on 3/27 and scored a 12.9 overall (which means i can do math and reading at or better than a 12th grader). I took my teas the next day 3/28 and I passed with national scores of 91% reading, 92% math, and 93% english and language usage. I received my package that same day and now I am just getting everything together to turn it in within 20 working days!!!

Thanks for the reply. I also obtained my application after taking the teas. Currently gathering my information and about to do the cpr class. Im extremely nervous, i didn't think the process to get an application would be so extensive.good you and myself! Hope you get accepted!


congrats!!!!!! so did I!!!!!!yay to us!!!!

CONGRATS futurernhazel! Maybe we will see each other depending on the school you choose.

i am attending the brooklyn adult learning center..u?

That's cool, me too! See u soon!

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