I just want to share my experience with you. I passed on the second time. Please, if you are taking the NCLEX soon, hear me out, its just my opinion. If you are not a morning person, try not to schedule for 8AM, it will give you anxiety just to think about having to wake up so early and get ready. If you are morning person, then go for it. Next, try to not think it's just a test and that if you have passed all your exams in school, you don't need to study or refresh. That was my biggest mistake. I really just did Kaplan while waiting for my ATT, and then when I finally took the exam, I felt like it was in another language, I lost my content knowledge. Kaplan was not even helpful. The NCLEX questions were mostly knowledge based questions, Kaplan strategies really screw me over.
You have to know your content. If you don't, you will be lost taking this exam like I was.
Second time, I really invested about two months or so. I used the LaCharity book. PLEASE USE IT!!! it's so helpful. Then I invested time listening to Hurst audio and it was so fun listening to it. I did get free NCLEX apps and just practice about 50 a day. If there was something I didnt know, or I knew I was weak in, I made sure I relearn it or listen to Mike Linear's simplenursing on youtube.
My second time around was honestly better but still, please really invest time in every category, because you don't know where they are testing you in, it could be PEDs, OB, psy, or med surg, or community. or just about anything very very random.
I was not tested on EKG, math, but I had a lot of meds, half of it were SATA, OB and a lot of PEDS, some community questions, and priority questions.
I am here to help anyone with questions. Thank you AllNurses and everyone who helped me in this long journey. I finally did it!! OMG!!!!