Passed NCLEX


I passed my PN NCLEX with 85 questions. I'm writing this to give hope to any nursing student or graduate that has let some time pass before taking their exam. I graduated almost two years ago and never took my test. Financial situations, taking care of my family and just hardships after hardships prevented me from taking my test. I never gave up hope I would take it and pass but I was scared to take it. Even after I finally had enough money to pay for the exam I kept rescheduling it. I thought too much time has passed. Going on this site and reading other people's stories helped me. I give glory to God because trust me I prayed. I also studied and did question after question. I used the Hurst review it was required to graduate. I never made the score they recommended to pass the NCLEX but it was still helpful. I used Nursing PN Mastery app. The questions were harder than the NCLEX and helped so much. I used Kaplan qbank also and did all the questions. I did not like the rationales for some of the questions. I used my evolve online resources for NCLEX book. Finally I used Picmonics it was very very helpful to me. It helped to get the information to stick. I also reviewed the PN study guide circulating on here. Honestly what I learned from all that studying was that the information is already in our heads. We just have to have faith in ourselves. By all means study but you already know so much. Don't wait to take it as long as I did it just makes it harder. I thank God again for blessing me and I love this site. It kept me sane and also I know some say yes and some say no but the PVT trick did work for me, so take it as you will but good luck to all and many blessings. You will make it through the NCLEX.

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