Published Nov 4, 2013
1 Post
Just wanted to share my experience with the site, that has helped me throughout the years! I graduated in May 2013 and took nclex-rn in August. All I worked with was Kaplan; didn't take the QTTs seriously, and did about 90% of the q bank, averaged 65%. I was under a lot of pressure, even though I shouldn't have been. My parents are beyond supportive and the morning of nclex told me "it's ok if you don't pass, we'll love you anyways!" Though this warms my heart, it honestly made me more nervous. It shut off at 75 and I KNEW I didn't pass. Cried for a good week and picked myself back up, as everyone else around me was passing!!
Sent in my app to reapply after a week of crying and started studying again. Tried hard to erase that painful memory and move on. This time, I took all 7 QTTs from Kaplan VERY SERIOUSLY. It felt like I had never taken it before. Averaged about 65-68%. Didn't take too much of the q bank because I remembered some answers and it didn't benefit me. However, I focused on what I scored lowest on (health promotion and safety and infection control). I did ALL q bank for these topics. I also watched a few videos of some content just to have that security.
2 weeks before my 2nd date, I completed the YELLOW SAUNDERS (5th edition) book. Saunders is so much easier than Kaplan but I loved it so much because this truly reinforced my content. The last week before my date, I completed the BLUE SAUNDERS (5th edition) book. Yes, completed each within 2 weeks, and let me tell you, I was amazed with myself. It truly made me understand WHAT THE COMPUTER WAS ASKING!! I basically did Saunders during the day, and before I sleep, I would do Kaplan q bank.
The day before my 2nd date, I went to church, had a good lunch by myself, and tried to relax. Unfortunately, my bf was also studying for a mid term, so I couldn't help but pull up some lab values to study-- also review diets! The day of my test, I prayed, prayed, prayed. I went all the way to 265, with literally 0:02 seconds left, and I hit end. If I let the time lapse, they would've judged me on those last 60 qs, and I wouldn't have passed. But truth is, I came in with confidence and I left that place telling myself "girl you are licensed no matter what, have faith and you passed"
I admit, I cried hysterically. I refused to do the PVT, but my bf did it anyways, got the good pop up and cried even more. STILL WASNT SURE CUS I KNOW THE BRN WAS/IS GOING THROUGH A NEW SYSTEM. My friend had row wait 3 weeks. And though you know the PVT is accurate, you still wonder if you're more special than everyone else and that the PVT May not be accurate for you! Either way, I kept checking it. Finally 3 days later, my name shows up!!
Just wanted to share, thanks everyone for always sharing! As of oct/nov 2013, PVT IS STILL RELIABLE!! For those second time test takers, don't worry!! You will get there and you're gonna be great!!! Thanks all nurses!!