Passed Micro!! On to nursing...


Specializes in Neuro/EMU, Pediatrics, Med Surg.

I officially passed my Micro exam last week- phew!!! I studied for a few weeks- used study guide 101 and the practice exams. I ended up making a C- and I'm stoked!! Normally I shoot for A's and B's but I'm fine with the passing grade.

Now with that last pre-req out of the way, I can start the nursing exams/courses. I am starting to study for Transitions, with a goal to take my exam in 3 weeks....I'm super motivated to get this done!!

Anyone else starting the first phase of nursing courses?? Let's vent!! :)

Congratulations! :cat:

Congrats!!!!! Do you have any pointers or tips?? I take Micro end of June next month and I am about to start studying this week, my iPhone crashed ugh so I lost my study guide from study group 101 but I plan to rebuy it :( please email me or respond thanks :) [email protected]

Specializes in Neuro/EMU, Pediatrics, Med Surg.

the practice exams are super helpful!! Do exam A first, to get an idea of your weak points, then when you think your ready to test take exam B. The study guide 101 was helpful but almost too much info- it's kinda overwhelming

I scored 62/64 on my practice exams and passed the real one with a C.

Good Luck!!!!!

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

Be happy with a passing grade in pharmacology when you get to that. Patients won't care what your grade was in that when they get their Dilaudud on time!! 😝

Vangonotes for Microbioogy is a must. I made an "A"!

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