Passed on my First try March 2016


Hello all,

I graduated from an accelerated nursing program December 2015. As a class we began our Kaplan 4 day course January 4th. I honestly felt like i needed a ton of work on my content. So i began looking at and writing notes on all of the old versions of the kaplan content videos. I was not scoring well on the question trainers and just reviewed content and also started the NCLEX mastery application. I was having really bad anxiety about starting the Kaplan Qbanks, because i was not scoring well on the trainers. Below are my scores.

Readiness- 64%

Question Trainer 1- 62.7%

Question Trainer 2- 72%

Question Trainer 3- 56%

Question Trainer 4- 52%

Question Trainer 5- 62%

Question Trainer 6- 64%

Question Trainer 7- 60%

NCLEX Mastery 59% i only had 250 questions left

I began doing the QBank three weeks before my Exam date. It took me 15 days to do the whole QBank. I scored 69% overall. A week before my exam i reviewed content notes and my Medication cards. I started to freak out three days before my exam, one of my friends gave me her UWORLD log in and i did 600 questions in two days. One thing i will say is that UWORLD is very good. I was scoring above average on the focused tests i did for UWORLD.

Long story short i took my NCLEX Wednesday, it was very tough. I had a lot of medication questions, about 30 SATA, and priority questions. I thought i failed and left so discouraged because i had so many SATA, specially back to back.

I did the PVT (WHICH still works) and got the good pop up. Did not check it again until i checked my quick results this morning and got the great news that i passed with 75 questions. one thing i will say is that i also prayed a lot and this prayer i found on a post here. You will find it below, i feel like it was the reason i passed.

first prayer

o great st. joseph of cupertino who while on earth did obtain from god the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a like favour in the examinations for which i am now preparing. in return i promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.

through christ our lord.

st. joseph of cupertino, pray for us.


second prayer

o st. joseph of cupertino who by your prayer obtained from god to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew. grant that i may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of examination) examination.

in return i promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.

o st. joseph of cupertino pray for me

o holy ghost enlighten me

our lady of good studies pray for me

sacred head of jesus, seat of divine wisdom, enlighten me.

and here's an extra one for good measure:

prayer to st. joseph of cupertino for success in examinations

o humble st. joseph of cupertino, singularly favored by god in overcoming the difficulties of study and the worries of examinations, implore the holy spirit to enlighten my mind and strengthen my memory in the search of his truth and wisdom. help me especially in the decisive moments of this examination, protecting me from that forgetfulness and disturbing anxiety which often affect me. may i succeed in offering god my finest work and may i grow in knowledge, understanding, humility and charity. may everything that i attempt to learn in life be offered in faithful service to god, from whom flows that wisdom which leads to eternal life. amen.

st. joseph of cupertino, pray for me.

our lady of good studies, pray for me.

holy spirit, enlighten me!

All the best for everyone taking their tests!

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