Passed ANCC 2017


I passed the ANCC exam on Monday and wanted to pass on some tips. I originally took the AANP exam in November and I failed it pretty badly. For the AANP exam I focused only on the APEA Q Bank. This is similar to what I did for the NCLEX exam except it did not work at all this time around. I left the testing center feeling completely devastated. There were so many questions that I had no idea about and I was shocked about how unprepared I was.

I went home and registered for the ANCC exam and immediately ordered the Leik review. I spent the next 3 weeks completing all of the Leik practice questions and learning the rationale. I also bought the Leik app and did a lot of practice questions whenever I could. I read quite a bit of the Leik book as well and found it very easy to read.

I also downloaded the APEA app and listened to Amelie's lectures as I went for long walks. I found the two resources worked well together. I'm not the best student when it comes to studying but I felt very motivated to pass this test. My wife is pregnant and I had a new job on the line. I went into the test feeling pretty terrible but a little more confident than before.

I found the ANCC test to be very straight forward. Most of the non-clinical questions were pretty easy to figure out. I took a break after 100 questions and realized that I was feeling pretty good about the test. I wasn't sure that I was going to pass it but I felt much, much better than when I took the AANP exam. I passed and the relief was unbelievable. I'm not certain that the ANCC was easier; I think I was just more prepared. I truly believe that all you need to pass the exam is the Leik book. Amelie's lectures, when use along with the Leik book, really helped me to grasp some of the information.

You all can absolutely do it. Just focus your studies on the test. The APEA questions were great to learn for clinical practice but were not very helpful for the test. Leik Leik Leik. Please feel free to email me with any questions!

Specializes in Adult Primary Care.


Congratulations, and thanks for your post!

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