Passed the AANP exam!!

Nursing Students NP Students


I have not seen any posts about passing the AANP exam in 2017 so I thought I would share my experience. First of all, I found this site very helpful when I was figuring out what to study in preparation for the exam. I took the APEA review course online which was very helpful!! Amelie Is a great teacher and puts things into real life examples to make it easier to understand and remember. Her Peytn Manning mneumonic was very helpful!!! I used the Leik review book as well. I found the book to be very nice and to the point! I also looked through the Fitzgerald review book, but I had trouble with paying attention to that book. I didn't find it as helpful. Then I did practice questions in an APEA book and all of the questions in the Leik book. I also took 3 practice exams on I found those to be helpful as well. I got a 72, 72, and 78 on those. I did the APEA predictor exam just before graduating and got a 78 on that as well. Then I made note cards of the information from the exam tips from Leik and some information from APEA of information I was having trouble with remembering. I also did practice questions using the Leik app which was amazing! The last practice exam I took before scheduling the exam was the practice exam with PSI which is $50 to take it once. I got an 84 and I had a couple questions that were very similar to some questions on the practice exam! It was very heavy on frail elderly/geriatrics. I can think of 1 cranial nerve question, not many pediatric questions, some thyroid, diabetes, pneumonia, and skin conditions. There were things on it that I had not studied and did not feel good about it, but I passed!!! I cried right there when the proctor gave my result. It is the biggest relief and I am so happy to have been successful. I had read that the exam is easier than the practice questions but I did not find that to be true for me. I found some questions to be straightforward but many questions were very difficult. My last day of school was Christmas Eve and I began studying for the exam on January 2nd. I have not worked because I wanted to study and take the exam by the first week of February. I studied all the time!!!!! I am surprised of how little there was in the exam that I had expected. I am awaiting my official results which I should get in the next couple of days but I wanted to go ahead and post while this is fresh in my mind and maybe it will help someone who is preparing for the exam.

Hello to all-

I too passed AANP boards (Family Practice). I also found APEA'S online review course very helpful. Amelie focuses on key topics that are commonly tested and sprinkles in valuable information to remember while in the clinic setting. Essentially you can condense all of FNP school into a weekend by listening to her lectures. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you must know but give yourself credit as much of the info is a refresher to what is already embedded in your brain from years of schooling. Believe me, you know more than you think you know. After completing her course I brought the APEA predictor exam. At the end it gives you a score and outlines your weak areas. Do not waste your time studying subjects areas you scored 70% or above on. Focus your studying on the areas you scored 50-69%. I noticed the areas I scored low needed to be re-taught in order to have a strong foundation. I then went back to Amelie's lectures, my class notes, and the Liek book to brush up on my weak areas only such as (Endocrine). I then purchased APEA's test bank and practiced questions from all subject areas even the ones I scored over 70% on the predictor exam. I found the APEA questions to be more challenging than the real exam. All in all this process took three weeks of studying 4 hours 6 days a week. By the time my test date came around I was ready. I found the certification exam straight forward with varying difficulty (Many easy questions with challenging scnearios sprinkled in). Please excuse any typos.

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