If you've used the PASS CCRN! CD to study for your CCRN prior to applying to CRNA school, what scores were you getting on the practice exam? I'm consistently getting 65 - 75%, and I'm worried.
4 Posts
How where you able to pass the CCRN with one day of studying?
521 Posts
I listened to the Laura G. V. Cd's during my commute to & from the hospital every day. then did test questions from AACN book.
25 Posts
I just listened to the Laura Gasparis tapes during my commute to and from work and did about 50 questions in pass CCRN a couple times a week. Our hospital also offers a three day course, and I went to the Cardiac and Pulmonary portion. I took it and passed, no problem. I think I studied three weeks prior to taking it, but some of the nurses on my unit studied far less and passed. Lots of luck to ya!
135 Posts
Hi everbody,
Where do you get the DVDs of Laura G.? How expensive are they?