Pasadena City College straight LVN program 2021

Nursing Students School Programs

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Hello just wanted to make a thread about anyone who has also applied to PCC straight up LVN program, I doubt I'll get in because I have 2 C's and 2 A's, working on taking physiology for a better grade now though, but I decided to apply anyway, Anyone else applied or have any advice? thanks

Specializes in CNA.

Sorry, I just relooked at the prerequisites for LVN. I got an A in nutrition and lifespan psychology and Bs in anatomy and physiology. I got Bs in all my core bio classes ?

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Those are still good stats though. They must’ve accepted students with all A’s first. Hopefully we get in! @ctorres238 I found out I was an alternate on 5/23/22 in the afternoon. Did you receive an email today? What are your stats if you don’t mind sharing. 

Specializes in CNA.

I hope so too ????

On 7/17/2021 at 1:02 AM, et1985 said:


I was accepted into the LVN program and will be starting next month for the fall semester. If anyone is still interested and intend to apply next year, I will be happy to give you insight on the program. Best of luck to you all - hopefully you all get into a program before next year. I know it can be tough, don't give up. I've been trying to get into a nursing program since 2018. 

I have notifications postson for this website so if anyone has questions - I will receive a notification email. I'm also on social media IG: Teambat 

They base it on your prerequisites grades. Aim for those A's.  My stats are 3 A's and 1 C. 

How was the LVN program? I think you should be about finished now.
I am starting the program later this month so I'm curious how it went for you. 


I also attend PCC and I just wanted to know what were the grades you got to get into the LVN program? also, if yo don't mind me asking, where did you complete your CNA class? thank you and I hope everything is going well for you!

I had all A's in my pre-reqs. I'm not sure what the cutoff was but I know someone who got accepted late and had a C in one of the pre-reqs. I would just try to get the best grades you can.

I did my CNA at Critical Care Training Center in North Hollywood. Good luck. And just so you know the LVN program is really demanding so be prepared to do a ton of studying.

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