Part time nursing

Nursing Students General Students


Is it possible to start working part time right after nursing school (like weekends only, etc)? Or because of training and oreintation they want you full time? Is ti not encouraged to start off part time? I hope my question makes sense....

I know its probably an "it depends" question but wanted to hear from you all.


I did part time temp work as a CRNA for 7 years, while raising twin boys. Life? What life? Im working full time now, as the kids are grown, and have a grandbaby. Being on call for three different hospitals may as well have been a full time job however. Thank god my mother was able to live with us. Dont know what we'd do without help from family and friends while building careers.

Im from Illinois, went to Northwestern and Loyola Medical School. Hello everyone! I'm happy to have found all of you, and this place, referred to me by a friend. Now if I could get him here... hmmm. He's and MDA. OK, Matt, Im here, now you introduce yourself! If I can find time, so can you!

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