Published Apr 1, 2019
3 Posts
Hello! I have my first panel interview next week for a NICU residency and I'm so nervous!! I was wondering if anyone can give me some of the questions they've been asked during a NICU interview. I have read a bunch of from previous posts about the same topic but I'm hoping for some updated information as the ones I read are from years ago. Thank you!!
4,161 Posts
It all depends on your background.
New Grad/Experienced adult nurse: "Why do you want to work in NICU?", "What do you know about the NICU?", "Do you know some of the types of congenital/ physical issues our babies have?"
They want to make sure that you know what you are getting into. They are avoiding the "I want a job that I can hold babies all day" type of applicant.
NICU Nurse from different hospital: "What types of babies do you typically care for?", "Do you have experience with ventilators and if so, what types?"
They are trying to determine the amount of training you are going to need.
11 Posts
My interview was mainly behavioral questions since it was a new grad interview! I was asked:
Why did you want to become a nurse?
Why do you want to work in NICU?
If you see a coworker doing something unsafe/breaking policy what do you do?
Describe your process for assessing an ICU patient. (My answer was how I assessed an adult since I hadn’t worked with babies obviously ? )
Tell us about a time you made a mistake.
What are 3 strengths? What is your weakness?
Tell us about a time you advocated for your patient.
What do you think is the most challenging aspect of being a NICU nurse?
What are some qualities you think are important for a NICU nurse to have?
To prepare you should start thinking about your experiences from clinical (I’m just assuming this is your first nursing job since you said residency). New grad interviews will want you to give answers from your clinical or previous work experience so try to think of interesting/important things from your experiences to use as an answer!
Anyway, I also had a panel when I interviewed for my NICU as a new grad. They said it was because they wanted to make sure we could handle the pressure because you will feel even more stressed during a code situation. So the most important thing is to appear calm and confident. Good luck!!!
Thank you both so much that is very helpful info!!!
GrenIedGal, BSN, RN
256 Posts
How was your interview? Any feedback for those hoping to interview for a NICU new grad position in the future? ?