Pakistan nurse seeking remote work

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Dear Beth,

Greetings I am a registered nurse from Pakistan, I hold masters degree in nursing, speciality in oncology nursing. My age is 66.5 years. I have about 42 years of experience of working at different nursing positions from bedside nursing to Assistant Director Nursing. I worked in med/surgical wards, ICU, & Chemotherapy Units. Now I am retired, I want to work from home. Can you please guide me, otherwise I am good health wise and even can work bedside but here in Pakistan after 65 , public and even private sector do not give jobs. Best regards 

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Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Hello! Congrats on your long career and accomplishments.

Given your extensive experience and expertise in nursing, especially in oncology, there are several work-from-home opportunities you can explore. If you are certified in oncology nursing, you may be able to find project work through the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), HeathStream, or Relias, developing online education.

Here are some other options tailored to your background:

Telehealth Nursing

  • Provide remote patient care through telehealth platforms, answering patient questions, offering medical advice, and monitoring patients' health.
  • Requirements. Active nursing license, reliable internet connection, and good communication skills.
  • How to Get Started. Check out telehealth companies like Teladoc, Amwell, or local telehealth services.

Medical Writing and Reviewing

  • Write and review medical content, including articles, research papers, patient education materials, and more.
  • Requirements. Strong writing skills, attention to detail, familiarity with medical terminology and guidelines.
  • How to get started. Look for freelance writing opportunities on Upwork, Freelancer, or medical writing-specific job boards.

Online Nursing Education and Tutoring

  • Description. Teach nursing courses online, provide tutoring for nursing students, or develop educational content for nursing programs.
  • Requirements. Teaching experience, strong knowledge of nursing curriculum, good communication and presentation skills.
  • How to get started: Explore opportunities with online universities, nursing schools, or educational platforms.

Healthcare Consulting

  • Provide expert advice to healthcare organizations on best practices, patient care strategies, or nursing management.
  • Requirements. Extensive experience in nursing and healthcare management, problem-solving skills.
  • How to get started. Network with healthcare organizations, join consulting groups or offer your services on professional platforms like LinkedIn.

Case Management

  • Coordinate patient care, manage treatment plans, and communicate with patients and healthcare providers.
  • Requirements. Strong organizational skills, experience in patient care coordination, and knowledge of healthcare systems.
  • How to get started. Apply to healthcare organizations or insurance companies that offer remote case management positions.

Freelance Nursing

  • Offer your nursing expertise freelance for various short-term projects or consultations.
  • Requirements. Flexibility, diverse skill set, and ability to market your services.
  • How to get started. Use platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or specialized nursing freelance sites to find gigs.

Medical Transcription and Coding

  • Transcribe medical records or perform medical coding from home.
  • Requirements. Training in medical transcription or coding, attention to detail, good listening and typing skills.
  • How to get started. Look for courses to get certified in medical coding/transcription and apply to companies that hire remote transcriptionists or coders.

Health Coaching

  •  Provide guidance and support to clients on health and wellness, often focusing on chronic disease management, nutrition, and lifestyle changes.
  • Requirements: Certification in health coaching, good communication skills, and empathy.
  • How to get started. Get certified through a recognized program and market your services online or through health clinics.

Additional Tips

  • Professional networks. Join professional organizations like the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) or local nursing associations to stay connected and find opportunities.
  • Online courses. Enhance your skills with online courses related to telehealth, medical writing, or health coaching.
  • Technology. Familiarize yourself with tools and software commonly used in remote healthcare work, such as electronic health records (EHR) systems, telehealth platforms, and collaboration tools.

By leveraging your extensive experience and adapting to the growing field of remote healthcare work, you can find fulfilling opportunities that allow you to continue contributing to the field of nursing from home.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth