Pace University CDP Fall 2010 Post Here!


Hello all!

Have you applied to Pace University's Combined Degree Program (CDP) in New York City for Fall 2010? I applied and I am awaiting my acceptance or rejection notice.

If anyone feels comfortable sharing their GRE/MAT scores or GPA, and whether or not they were accepted, I would be really appreciative.

Also, maybe if I get accepted, we could start getting to know each other before the semester starts.

Good luck to all!


I applied to Pace and I'm anxiously waiting to see what the result is. :)

I applied too and am anxiously waiting to hear. My GRE scores are not good, so I am very concerned. When do you think we will hear?

I heard it might not be until late April or early May, since the deadline is not until April 1.

Really?? I thought the deadline was even later, June 1st. I have had all of my stuff in since January, but I heard they are thinking of adding an interview to the process for people who are borderline. I am really worried by GRE is going to ruin my chances. Do you know anything about the profile of most of their students?

I think you're right, that the deadline is later in the year.

I think if your GRE is over 1000, you are competitive.

They also take MAT scores, think about taking that test instead.

I got into the Spring program, but needed Microbiology, so I'm re-applying for Fall.

Hmmm well I broke 1000, but my math score is significantly higher than my verbal score, so I am worried that will be a problem. Oh well, I just hope we here about interviews soon.

How did you hear about interviews? Is that something new?

Interviews are new, but becasue they are changing up the application process in the middle of everything, they are thinking they are only going to do interviews with the borderline applicants. If they are 100% sure they want you, they will not make you go through an interview just because of time and their disorganization. Since you were already accepted once, I am guessing you will not have to worry about this and they will be certain they want you :)

I wonder how I am going to finance this, though, since I have to rely on loans and don't qualify for Pell Grants.

I will have to take out loans for all of tuition as well, it really makes me nervous since I already have debt from undergrad. I keep telling my stuff if I don't get into Pace, the benefit is that I won't be adding $50,000 to my deebt... Pace really is very overpriced for the education you receive. I will likely have to take out private loans (I heard FAFSA offers less than $20,000 in educational loans), and that really stinks because private loans have substantially higher interest rates.

SInce the deadline is June 1st, will we have time to send them Spring semester grades?

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