Published Jul 21, 2011
45 Posts
Wondering if anyone in the area has heard of, interview with, has information on working at PACE. PACE stands
for Program of All inclusive Care for the Elderly. Is an amazing program that would be a great program to be apart of career wise. Just didn't know anyone else out there in any of the PACE programs.
323 Posts
Sorry, I am not famaliar with it...where is this at? Thanks
6 Posts
Are you from Ohio? I work at Passport and we are familiar with the PACE program in Cleveland.
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly (pace)
called life program in pa ---pace is state pharmaceutical assistance program.
pace combines medical, social, and long-term care services for frail elderly people who live in and get health care in the community. pace programs provide all medically-necessary services, including prescription drugs. pace is a joint medicare and medicaid program that may be available in states that have chosen it as an optional medicaid benefit. pace might be a better choice for you instead of getting care through a nursing home.
to qualify for pace, you must meet these conditions:
list of pace provider organizations
i manage central intake for our pace/life program--we have 3 sites proving care to philadelphia residents and was redesigned 3 yrs ago to focus more on medical versus social service model to improve members health needs and longevity. our health system has opened 4 more programs in pa/nj del based on this model and see it as wave of future to promote graceful aging at home in ones own ocmmunity.