Published May 11, 2010
2 Posts
Do you have to be a Pennsylvania resident to take boards for Pennsylvania and work in Pennsylvania as an RN?? I just graduated from a program and live on the Maryland/Pennsylvania line and wish to work in PA.
221 Posts
No you can apply for initial licensure in whatever state you wish. It might take a little more effort if your school is out of state. At a minimum, your school will have to provide their curriculum to make sure it meets PA requirements.
401 Posts
You could get initial licensure with MD, and then endorse into PA.
I live in PA, but my school is in NY (Excelsior College).
PA charges $100 for initial licensure and wants an "Education Verification Form" to be completed by the nursing school you attended. The form is with the application. Also, they want "official transcripts" from the college.
Hope this helps.
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,368 Posts
I went to school in DE, lived in DE and took the NCLEX in DE, but I took the NCLEX for my PA license. I don't remember there being much of an issue with it at all.
However, when I wanted to be endorsed in DE, that's when I hit my problems. It was a huge pain. So if you're going to work in PA, go for the PA license!
10 Articles; 18,929 Posts
if you are not planning to work in maryland, you can take your nclex in md pearson vue center but have the report sent to pa bon.
your nursing program will also need to submit to bon proof of graduation: [color=#003399]nursing education verification form
licensure information
exam/graduate temporary practice permit (pdf document)
exam and/or graduate temporary practice permit - online application instructions
good luck and welcome to pa nursing this year!
Thanks everyone! You all answered my questions :)