Oz requirements


Hi people, quick question if you dont mind!

I am going to be a registered nurse soon in the uk and wish to emigrate to australia to live and wok as a nurse as soon as i can.

My question is.. how much experience am i going to need before i become eligible to emigrate as a registered nurse? because i cant seem to find if this is even a requirement, i even read somewhere that once you become a RN in the uk you can apply direct to Oz hospitals and some will sponsor you without experience? is this true?

Thanks for any information in advance!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Hi people, quick question if you dont mind!

I am going to be a registered nurse soon in the uk and wish to emigrate to australia to live and wok as a nurse as soon as i can.

My question is.. how much experience am i going to need before i become eligible to emigrate as a registered nurse? because i cant seem to find if this is even a requirement, i even read somewhere that once you become a RN in the uk you can apply direct to Oz hospitals and some will sponsor you without experience? is this true?

Thanks for any information in advance!

try asking this question in the Australia section as you may get more answers, I think on here we are generally going to the USA or staying in the UK.

Good luck

Specializes in ICU, midwifery, Nurse Practitioner.
Hi people, quick question if you dont mind!

I am going to be a registered nurse soon in the uk and wish to emigrate to australia to live and wok as a nurse as soon as i can.

My question is.. how much experience am i going to need before i become eligible to emigrate as a registered nurse? because i cant seem to find if this is even a requirement, i even read somewhere that once you become a RN in the uk you can apply direct to Oz hospitals and some will sponsor you without experience? is this true?

Thanks for any information in advance!


I am registered as a nurse in Oz. the process it pretty simple and quick compared to getting the same done in the US. I got a job offer after the first telephone interview. I have 15+ years experience but they will take UK nurses with little or no experience, you may have to shop around a little though. Once you get a job offer, you need to get registered with the NMB. Get ALL your documentation photocopied and notarised (its not a good idea to send originals to the NMB, you wont get them back). They need all nursing certificates, birth/marriage certificates and passport. I had 10 in total and it cost me £400 for notarising. Send them all off with the application for registration and the fee (£30ish if I remember correctly). You also need a letter of recomendation from your current employer stating hours of work etc. My registration came through in about 6 weeks. After that your Oz employer will give you a letter with a number on it, you need that to apply for your visa. That can be done online and is very simple. My visa was approved in less than 4 weeks so the whole process took around 3 months! Good luck and let us know how you get on :nurse:

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