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I'm in my 2nd and last (Praise the Lord) year of nursing. This year seems to be a lot more overwhelming as far as studying and reading and tests. Does anybody have any hints on helpful studying??

You know what I have discovered? I am not an auditory learner, but I tape my lectures and listen to them any way. I can get more out of them as I am driving in the car, or doing other stuff. I can remember different things whereas if I only heard them in the original lecture, I wouldn't remember them.

Also, I am writing notes as I am reading. I know it sounds rediculous, but these are some strategies that's helping me.:cool:

Good Luck and may God richly bless you!


To Juile your Suggestions do not sound ridiculous at all. For krobertson I have a website for you and for anyone else interested in study hints that my cousin gave me. It is a site that has a comprehensive list of other sites that you can go to for things like reading and note-taking tips, test-taking, test anxiety, stress management and more. Some of the sites no longer work but many are wonderful sites and has helped me improved my study skills.

Just click on the link below to go the the site.

study skills

Originally posted by peaceful2100

To Juile your Suggestions do not sound ridiculous at all. For krobertson I have a website for you and for anyone else interested in study hints that my cousin gave me. It is a site that has a comprehensive list of other sites that you can go to for things like reading and note-taking tips, test-taking, test anxiety, stress management and more. Some of the sites no longer work but many are wonderful sites and has helped me improved my study skills.

Just click on the link below to go the the site.

study skills

Juile I don't think that your suggestions are ridiculous either. I have to take notes after I get done with reading the chapter. This helps me to recap things that are important. I also try to make notecards of words, procedures, and other items that I don't understand. This helps me broaden my vocabulary and know what others are talking about when they use thes terms.

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