Overtime EVERY day you go to work?

U.S.A. New York


Specializes in Currently: Certified School Nurse.

Sorry if i ask too many questions - just trying to understand this field as best I can!

I have a corporate job and I receive a yearly salary. I guess technically I'm a 9-5'er, however who really walks out the door at 5 pm every day! I'm usually at work until 6pm or so and my salary is the same whether i walk out the door at 5 or at 7!

Is it rare for nurses to punch out at their regularly scheduled time? Are you workingand receivng overtime on a daily basis?

I'm just curious. AS i mentioned, i routinely work later than i should so i'm not a clock watcher. And I'm not going into nursing for the money - in fact it will surely be a pay cut when i first start out. But i am curious about the overtime pay. If starting salaries for nurses in NYC hovers around $55K/year - is that really what you are making?

What are you actually making after overtime and double shifts are factored in?

Just wondering. Thanks for responding!

Sorry if i ask too many questions - just trying to understand this field as best I can!

I have a corporate job and I receive a yearly salary. I guess technically I'm a 9-5'er, however who really walks out the door at 5 pm every day! I'm usually at work until 6pm or so and my salary is the same whether i walk out the door at 5 or at 7!

Is it rare for nurses to punch out at their regularly scheduled time? Are you workingand receivng overtime on a daily basis?

I'm just curious. AS i mentioned, i routinely work later than i should so i'm not a clock watcher. And I'm not going into nursing for the money - in fact it will surely be a pay cut when i first start out. But i am curious about the overtime pay. If starting salaries for nurses in NYC hovers around $55K/year - is that really what you are making?

What are you actually making after overtime and double shifts are factored in?

Just wondering. Thanks for responding!

I'm paid hourly so I do get OT for anything past 40hrs/wk. Most staff nurses are paid hourly in my experience. With my current position, I do generally have to stay over to finish things up. You shouldn't have to worry about not getting compensated for OT in most nursing jobs.

Salaries vary so much by region and by the type of place you work at. It would be difficult to put a figure on what a typical nurse would make. I don't do double shifts. Blech :p

Specializes in MS Home Health.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry. I am not trying to be mean. I am just being fiesty today. I work a ton of "free" overtime. Salaried as well.


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