Outlook for Associates Level Jobs in Atlanta?


I applied to Georgia Perimeter's ASN nursing program for Fall 2012. I had read here and elsewhere that entry level positions/salaries/opportunities were the same for BSN and ASN nurses, and that the difference came when you wanted to move into management or advanced practice. Which was fine with me - I just wanted the quickest way to start working, and planned to worry about the rest later.

But I recently found out that Emory no longer hires ASN/RNs, they require the bachelor's. And someone who works at Northside said they are making that change this summer. So now I'm wondering if there will be any jobs available for associates level nurses by the time I graduate in two years. Over in the Georgia Nursing Programs forum there are dozens of people looking forward to starting ASN programs in the fall. Are we all going to be wasting our time?

People who are working in the Atlanta area: does your hospital or workplace now hire associate level RNs? Are they planning to switch to BSN only in the near future?

I don't live in atlanta but I do currently work at MCCG in Macon, GA which hires a lot of new grads from Atlanta who cannot find jobs after graduating. Since we are a magnet status hospital the new CNO (chief nursing officer) has mandated that ASN will no longer be hired specifically because many Atlanta hospitals do not hire ASN and they do not want to get flooded with new nurses from Atlanta with ASNs because our BSN percentage is already low for a magnet status hospital. They are encouraging those who do have an ASN and already employees to go back to school for their BSN And new ASN graduates can only be hired if they extern and have a 3.0 GPA and sign something stating they will pursue their BSN within a certain about of time. Not looking good for ASNs

Thanks, jaznia15. I'd like to think I can get the 3.0, and I'll definitely be looking for externship opportunities, but even so, that is disturbing news.

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