Ottawa Nursing

World Canada



I am a RN currently living and practicing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I am looking to relocate to Ottawa, Ontario. I am looking for some advice on jobs! I have almost 2 years experience. I am working as a full time "float" nurse right now working between 4 units- general medicine, neurology, stroke and geriatrics. I am looking for something full time, or very close to it.

I have noticed a lot of postings for community nursing in Ottawa and I am wondering if anyone has any advice/experience with that?

Of course, acute "floor" nursing would also be a great option! However, I haven't seen many postings that are not for specialized areas.

Any ideas?



Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nursing in Canada forum

not sure on job job situation but I would recommend you don't move without confirmation of a job

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

Full time may be difficult to find. If the facility is unionized it will go by seniority.

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