Published Jan 26, 2022
1 Post
I received an other than honorable seperation from the military a couple years ago. I just entered the nursing program and they were talking about criminal convictions could prevent licensure. While this discharge does not result in a criminal conviction, it is other than honorable. Has anyone had any experience on this or can give me any answers. I've reached out to several boards and have not received any responses in a month. Thank you so much.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I'm a vet and it is asked on all employment applications I've filled out. I think you might have some explaining to do. However, were you just young and couldn't follow orders which you could explain by saying you've matured in the past ??? years?
Or was it due to drugs or not meeting weight requirements? Try to spin whatever the issue was in a positive light, accept responsibility for it and state what you leaned in the ensuing years.
Best wishes