
I'm looking at OSU OKC ADN program. I'm trying to decide if I need to go ahead and complete all my pre-req's before the nursing classes or is it possible to do some with the nursing classes. I have enough points to get in with a few pre-req's left, but just didn't know how that would work "time-wise".

Is there anyone in the OSU OKC program that can tell me how much time it takes you for the nursing classes?

Thanks so much!!!

Specializes in CCU.

Hi, take a look at the OKlahoma thread, there are a few threads already about OSUOKC. Here's one about starting https://allnurses.com/oklahoma-nurses/have-questions-newby-423681.html

I'm in the 3rd semester and highly recommend the program. good luck.

Specializes in Home Health CM.

Hi, I am a 4th semester student right now and highly recommend the program. The instructors are so helpful and want you to succeed. I also HIGHLY recommend completing all of your prereqs now before the nursing classes. Also, a student can't get into the program without completing some of the prereqs anyway because each class completed gives you points to get into the program. Most of us got most of our prereqs out of the way. Usually we only had micro and/or physiology to complete upon entering the program.

There is also the time factor. Nursing school will require A LOT of your time. The prereqs take a lot of time, too but not as much as the nursing classes. It's really not difficult, just in depth and requires a lot of time. You will be spending 40 hours a week easy in preparing for clinicals, doing care plans, and studying for tests. This is on top of your hours in class as well. The time spent in class is about 4 hours per week, which is not bad. Clinicals last 8 hours per week. Preparing for clinicals will take at least that long, too (8 hours). On the night before clinicals, it was a fast food night because there was no time to prepare a meal.

First and third semesters are the easiest, in my opinion. Second semester is the toughest and fourth is difficult but not as difficult as second.

Hope this has helped and good luck with getting into the program. It really is a great field! Hope I am not scaring you away. It has really been a lot of fun along the way and has been well worth it.

Thanks!! That is exactly what I needed to know!! I only have 4 science classes left and have enough points that I could probably get in, but wasn't sure I'd want to take a science lab along with the nursing classes!

It also helps to know how much time the nursing classes will take. The study time you listed does scare me a little bit!! Taking classes part-time and then being able to work part-time was one of the most appealing things about nursing school. I don't mind the studying, just the time away from my family.

Another question - I noticed many of the nursing classes are offered online. Do you go to some classes and others online? It just seems it would be scary to only do online classes and then show up at clinicals!!

Thanks again!!!

Specializes in Home Health CM.

Hi again, glad that answered some of your questions. I was kind of wondering the same thing when I was just starting as well. It would be scary if you did have to show up to clinicals in the manner you describe. The classes online are for those students at OPSU, up in the panhandle. The only nursing online class you will take is the Trends class which you don't take until 3rd or 4th semester, although it is highly recommended to take during the summer between 3rd and 4th or try to take it during 3rd semester. Third semester was a little more laid back, based mainly on the content, so it is easier to get it done then. It is an easy course and just gets you prepared as a nurse in the real world. It covers topics such as patient management, who to talk to when you are a new nurse, how to get your first nursing job, etc.....nothing too challenging. Then you just answer questions online weekly in a discussion forum with other students. This class is not attached to a clinical.

I understand what you are saying about time away from the family. It is a challenge but can be managed. If you can delegate family members to help out with chores, it will help tremendously so you will have more time together, or maybe hire a high school student to clean your house, etc. :)

Good luck, and hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel! :)

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