Published Apr 16, 2005
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Does anyone know anything about this condition? I'd never even heard of it until the other day, when I printed out my lab work and KUB results for my own records, and the radiology report said I had it along with "degenerative disease of the sacroiliac joints and the symphysis pubis". There was also mention of calcifications with lucent centers in the right hemipelvis---"phleboliths"---and osteitis ilei.
So what, am I falling apart now?
Apparently it's not just kidney stones I'm dealing with........I've got stones in my VEINS?? I've been in health care for over 10 years, and I never knew any of this even existed until now. Of course, that would explain why I can't lie on my side without a pillow between my knees, and why it feels (and sounds) like my pelvic bones 'snap' whenever I try to do leg lifts (and man, does that HURT). But why? I'm only in my mid-40s.......why would I already have degenerative disease at this relatively young age?
The other thing is, some of my labs are off.......I've got a blood calcium level of 10.4, which actually isn't that elevated, but it's been up for some time along with my liver enzymes (alkaline phosphatase 162, AST/ALT 41 and 67 respectively) and my bicarb level is also slightly elevated at 32.4. My CBC is fine, however I noticed my H&H are down from when I was hospitalized in February, and I'm not having periods. Hmph!
Naturally, I'm going to check with my PCP about this once I get through the kidney-stone business (I go in for laser extraction and stent placement on the 27th ), but I'm wondering if anyone here has any words of wisdom
for me.........I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired!!
unknown99, BSN, RN
933 Posts
What I know about osteosclerosis is that it is an abnormal thickening of the bone and can be assosciated with renal disease and/ or secondary hyperparathyroidism. Most of the time though, it is linked with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
That's what I was kinda afraid of.........but where does the hyperparathyroidism come in? How do you get it, and what's more important, how do you get RID of it??
Funny how I've acquired this wealth of knowledge about health-related issues over the years, and then when it's ME, I suddenly contract a bad case of the stupids. Sheesh.
That's what I was kinda afraid of.........but where does the hyperparathyroidism come in? How do you get it, and what's more important, how do you get RID of it??Funny how I've acquired this wealth of knowledge about health-related issues over the years, and then when it's ME, I suddenly contract a bad case of the stupids. Sheesh.
There are a couple of good websites that have a good amount of info on it.
Hope these help. And... goodluck.
Thanks, Sara........very informative! I'll have to follow up on this, as it sure sounds a lot like what I'm dealing with.
196 Posts
Sorry Marla I've never heard of it either but I hope that everything ends up ok!! Sending good wishes..
PicklesRN, RN
75 Posts
...Naturally, I'm going to check with my PCP about this once I get through the kidney-stone business (I go in for laser extraction and stent placement on the 27th ), but I'm wondering if anyone here has any words of wisdom for me.........I'm getting sick and tired of being sick and tired!!
Kidney stones.. yikes! That's fall to the ground and bury your face in the mud to muffle the screams kinda pain.
FWIW I really feel for you!
Kidney stones.. yikes! That's fall to the ground and bury your face in the mud to muffle the screams kinda pain. FWIW I really feel for you!
Thank you........Ironically, this time around the stones haven't bothered me very much, because they're too damned big to pass. One measures 15 by 9mm, another is 12 by 9mm, and several others are around 7mm. I did have a couple of episodes of flank and pelvic pain in recent months that resolved when I passed little bits of gravel, but nothing like what I experienced several years ago when I had my first go-round. And I'd thought labor was painful.........this was a 15 on the 0-10 pain scale!! I hurt so bad that I actually cried, and when I went to the bathroom I screamed. Finally one stone did pass, but I had to have the other one blasted out, and then there was the torment of having the double-J stents in......I get to experience that dubious pleasure again with this procedure. It feels like twin blowtorches are running up my back every time I have to pee.
At least this time I'm prepared........I KNOW how bad it's gonna hurt, and I'll insist on Percocet rather than Vicodin because as opiate-naive as I am, the Vicodin never even touched the pain and cramping last time. All I did was sleep, pee, and feel miserable when I WAS awake.
Now the question is: Does anyone know how to PREVENT these damned things?? I know I probably need to give up my sodas---I have a terrible Diet Coke habit---but my urologist is still not sure what is causing me to form stones. (The last ones were calcium oxalate, the most common type.) I've noticed that both episodes have followed high-protein, low-carb diets, however...........I was on Atkins for about 8 months last year, and I remember having been on a similar diet for about 4 months back in 2001, after which I had my first bout.
Now, I know too much protein is hard on the kidneys, but at the time I wasn't worried about it because I was still relatively young and my blood work showed normal renal function. Now I'm not so sure, even though my BUN and creatinine are still any rate, I'm not doing Atkins ever again. Last week I put myself on a loosely-structured diet of mostly vegetables, fruit and whole grains with some lean protein and even the occasional 'treat' (this weekend it was ONE piece of angel food cake with fresh strawberries and Cool Whip :) ), and I'm already feeling better physically than I have in months.
I'm under no illusions about losing massive amounts of weight, at least not very quickly (and that's best), but at this point it's not about getting thin, it's about feeding my body what it needs, not necessarily what it WANTS, and being healthier. I've been sick on and off since late January, and I guess this is my body's way of telling me to pay attention to it before it's too late to help myself. I'm heavier than I've ever been---albeit by only four pounds---and I just can't stand it any longer. Even if I only get back to where I was last summer, when I was working out almost daily and had energy to burn, I'll have done myself a humongous BP was down, my triglycerides and liver enzymes were down, and my self-esteem was way up.
Well, I've rambled on too long and off-topic to boot........any ideas you all might have will be appreciated. :)