Osgood Schlatter's Disease

Specialties Orthopaedic


Osgood Schlatter Disease

I have a friend whose 14yr old son has been diagnosed with this disease. I understand its caused by stress on growing bones(would this be right)?. Athletic's and sport is his life, but he's having to endure a lot of pain to participate and compete.

I've searched various websites for information but rest, ice and vitamin supplements seem to be the only treatment.

I wondered if any ortho nurses can offer more information regarding treatment, or advice on this disease.

:confused: :confused:


Hello Janey I am not a Ortho nurse however I have experience first hand. My eldest son also suffered osgood disease and he has never been avery physically active however, the Orthpod who looked after him recommended casting both knees x 6 weeks. This is to enable the area to rest and reduce further trauma. Well it seemed to work he is five years older now and very rarely complains of knee pain. Hope this helps.


Osgood Schlatter Disease

I have a friend whose 14yr old son has been diagnosed with this disease. I understand its caused by stress on growing bones(would this be right)?. Athletic's and sport is his life, but he's having to endure a lot of pain to participate and compete.

I've searched various websites for information but rest, ice and vitamin supplements seem to be the only treatment.

I wondered if any ortho nurses can offer more information regarding treatment, or advice on this disease.

:confused: :confused:


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