Published Jun 10, 2008
24 Posts
I'm currently taking prereq courses for my lpn at a tech school. i was doing some research and became interested in the orthopedic technology. the prereqs for it are almost the same as lpn (anatomy, intro to healthcare just to name a few). anyway if i went for ortho tech i would probably be done in the winter. vs the lpn in the spring or summer. i want to become a RN. would it be wise to complete ortho tech and work while in RN school. or just do the bridge thing for lpn to RN?
the college RN program in my city will not accept preq from a technical college. therefore, i would have to start all over. i would just have to go to gordon college and bridge lpn to rn.
526 Posts
I have never heard of an ortho tech before. Is that like a Patient Care Tech (PCT) who works in ortho? I would encourage you to go for you LPN instead because you will most likely have a much broader range of where you can find jobs as an LPN. Once you become an LPN if you enter an RN bridge program you normally can bypass the first year of the nursing program and only have to complete 3-4 quarters of actual nursing school. Some schools also give advanced placement for LPNs.
8,343 Posts
Up here in Canada, Ortho Tech is a post grad LPN specialty certification. Involves a course and practical experience. The ortho techs are found in the cast rooms of all hospitals. They apply, remove casts, etc.
72 muscle
1 Post
I am an LPN and previously a certified ortho tech. I let my tech cert.drop because in this town it didnt seem to be of any benefit to me.. I would suggest that you get your LPN/RN first and then you can procede to the Ortho tech if your are still interested. Hope this helps you.
7 Posts
I just found this post! exactly the info I needed. So this means I would have to do my LPN first before being an ortho tech? or can you become an ortho tech on its own? a little lost.