Published Oct 31, 2016
4 Posts
Hello. I'm new to allnurses and looking for some advice. I am an experienced nurse and have been working for the same hospital for over 15 years in a variety of positions. Three months ago I started a new position and am currently on orientation for that job. An opportunity has come up at another hospital closer to where I live that I would really like to pursue, in a specialty that I think I would really enjoy. Should I pursue this opportunity, or would it be wrong to consider doing so after just recently beginning something new? I don't want to burn any bridges. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!!
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,930 Posts
Well, after 15 years in the same hospital you could hardly be accused of job hopping if you decide to leave. You might even be offered significantly more money at a new place as experience pay rarely if ever keeps up with what you could make somewhere else. The main issue financially would be loss of benefits related to your seniority. Also as the new kid on the block you would be more likely to not get the precise schedule you would like.
If starting at the bottom again seniority wise is something you are willing to do and the pay increase [if any] is worth the loss of accrued benefits to you go for it.
62 Posts
What specialty might this be, if I may ask? Some folks go into certain specialties for a few months and experience that they don't want to be there. Unless you are positively sure that you are willing to risk leaving your old job (with seniority), then go for it. Make a list of pros and cons, it will help with decision making.
Thanks for the advice. The loss of benefits is a factor, as well as pay. I would actually be taking a pay cut to accept this position, as well accruing less vacation time, etc. I would be getting into a specialty that I think I would like though. I have a lot to consider.
The specialty is the operating room. I feel confident that I would enjoy that environment, and this particular hospital is willing to train someone without prior OR experience. I am considering this hospital because I live close enough to take call, whereas my current hospital is to far away from my home for call to be feasible.
25 Posts
If you are going to bail on this newish job for which you are still orienting, it would be a kindness to do it sooner rather than later. Lots of nurses decide during orientation that the job is not for them--for a variety of reasons. It doesn't make sense for the employer to keep paying you to orient when your career plan is elsewhere. Yes they have invested in you but they will get over it and would rather take on another orientee for which the job is a better fit. Just make sure your separation is professional and mention the very positive things about the organization and the job--just say it's not right for you and leave it at that.