Orentation tomorrow!!!

Nursing Students General Students


Ahh so tomorrow is orientation we get our class schedule, fees, and list of supplies.. It's about 4 hours long we also meet our teachers!! I feel prepared I've come to the realization that i have a little bit of type A tendency okay maybe alot ?.. However is there anything to expect I know every school is different. I also know that there are alot of information that will be handed out.. I have a spiral penently of pens.. I also backed my lunch. I set me and my sons clothes out for tomorrow and I'm going to be crawling into bed here in a few.. I'm just wondering what else I may need!! I can't help but to feel excited because my passion for nursing is much bigger than me. As crazy as it may sound I feel like this is my calling!! I just want to be prepared as much as possible I also have my gallon of water!! Have to stay hydrated!? thanks in advance!!

I would bring a map of the school and ask them to show you where your classes will be. There's nothing more frustrating than getting lost on your first day. Have fun!

I would bring a map of the school and ask them to show you where your classes will be. There's nothing more frustrating than getting lost on your first day. Have fun!

Thats an excellent point we out actually going to be in a new nursing building. They actually just finish building!! Never would of thought of that thanks.

I'm getting ready to leave now for my orientation, it's today AND tomorrow from 8:30-4:30!!! I'm a little nervous about 2, 8 hour days of orientation!!! Also, starting class on Monday...Good Luck to you :)

Good luck! My orientation is Sep 3rd and I'm excited and terrified!

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

I have orientation tomorrow and they asked us to bring our computers and if we don't have computers(laptops) to bring something to write with. They are going to show us how to navigate the online college. I do not think it will be that difficult since I have been going there over a year and I feel I know it but anyway I will bring me computer:) they are going to have lunch there for us, so that is a good thing. Well I am excited I have been waiting months for this day!!! We already have uniform books and schedules so I can't wait to see what is in store! Have a great time I can't wait to hear how your orientation was!!! Good luck:)

I have my second orientation tomorrow which is 8 hours and a makeup one. I was out of the country on the original date. Don't know what to expect but my friend that went already said it was extremely boring. The last orientation is going to be when we get to talk to the faculty of the Nursing Department and finally get our uniforms and any other info. Wish we had a syllabus so I can start to read before class starts on the 27th.

So here is the update!! Well everyone who has previously went through orientations previous semesters before us said it would be overwhelming but I was like hey I can handle it.

Well it wasn't so much overwhelming as there was just a lot of things we have to get done in a short amount of time. However, I have a slight bit of OCD and type A tendency so I'm definitely in over drive. We were able to meet the faculty.. We received r schedules I will be taking nursing intro, pharmacology, skills/lab, and gerontology.. I also got my uniform patches and stripes.. The other thing is we got r first assignment but just for skills/lab haha!! Which is 7 chapters by Tuesday and a library assignment on apa format!! Yikes I know but I'm definitely hitting the ground running and not stoping until I finish!!

I'm excited and I'm seeing that u have to stay on top of things and definitely get ahead if at all possible no time for procrastination. Glad I was able to get over that many semesters ago!! I think everything will be fun!! I'm finally getting to learn what i have been so passionate about and interested in learning. That for me is the most interesting part!! I already had a lot of the stuff we needed done already because, I have talked to prior students. I feel like I'm not going to wait for someone to tell me I need that I'm Going to do it before hand if at all possible.

I feel like the military,being a single parent, and surviving a Divorce all prepared me for this. Now it's my goal to stay positive throughout this experience and journey I know some days it will be hard but if I say little things in my head to psych me out I can make it!! And do well!! Failure isn't an option!!


P.s I hope everyone has a great semester stay positive open mind and open heart it will all be worth it!! In a few years we will look back and say wow!! I did it imagine what else I can accomplish!!


I am happy to hear you had a great experience too. I had mine this week too and it wasn't bad at all. I was quite impressed.

Good luck in school. :)

P.s I hope everyone has a great semester stay positive open mind and open heart it will all be worth it!! In a few years we will look back and say wow!! I did it imagine what else I can accomplish!!


I had orientation on the yesterday and today...Not too overwhelming but very informational..got my schedule:

Nursing Fundamentals I

Fundamentals Lab

Pathophysiology ( I'm terrified)


health assessment

Assessment lab

Clinicals one day a week at a LTC facility (wheeeeeeeeeeeeew)

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