OR is my calling...


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hi everyone,

I thought I would share my excitment with everyone. I am only a 2nd year nursing student... and after going through maternity, LTC, Peds, Medical, ECU, I am now just arriving on my surgical rotation. Today I was in the OR. It was the most amazing thing ever. My other classmate thought that the OR prep and the counting and everything that went on was boring.. but all i wanted to do was get in there and scrub in and pass those sutures to the surgeon and count that and pass this. IT WAS AMAZING. And i am totally pumped to finish my degree and gain that 2 years surgical experience so i can work in the OR.

ok excitment over.. now to go study :)

Thanks for listening!

Specializes in Peri-Op.

where do you live?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I live in the fraser valley, just outside vancouver BC, Canada

Specializes in Operating Room.

I feel the same way Sarah, and I will be starting my OR preceptor-ship for last semester of nursing school next week! Now if only I can find a job after nursing school :eek:

Specializes in Med-Surg.

:) hahaa... Well I am not sure if there is a hiring freeze here... i know they used to have big hiring conventions like 2 years ago (when my friend graduated), but they are no longer put on. As well even ESN (employed student nurse) hours have been cut so we can only work up to 100 hours.

But if you go up north BC, like fort saint john.. prince george... they have tons of jobs, that pay better too. PLUS a lot of need for nurse practioners. I am excited to grad in 2 years :) yayyyy. Actually today i learned how to irrigate and pack a wound, so im hoping to do that next week on surgical :) My first day there i pulled an NG, pulled a JP, and did a dressing. yes yes remember how exciting that used to be!?

Anyways i have 12 weeks on my surgical rotation... 2 days a week, and then the rest are in lectures at school. and it helps since we have groups of 5 for clinical so there are only 5 students on the unit at a time, so my instuctor is easy to find :)

CONGRATS at being in last semester!!!!!!!!!

Hello Sarah,

Was Googling ESN OR opportunities (I'm impatient) and your post came up. Incidentally, I am a member of this site as well :) Thought I would respond to your post as your situation is very similar to mine...

I am currently in 3rd year BSN program on Vancouver Island in BC (:up:). I just finished up a surgical rotation last semester, currently in community (:down:).

I have been thinking about trying to get into the OR for quite some time, I officially made my mind up around 2 months ago and applied to a distance perioperative course (BCIT offers a program, though it's not recognized through ORNAC...). I am taking only the first two courses in the program, as I'm hoping it will help my chances in getting an ESN position over the summer. I encourage you to try to apply (to the ESN program), as this will be a great opportunity to get more experience in the OR and see if you could really envision yourself working there, or if you just got caught up in the excitement and novelty (something I tossed around for a while, as I had preconceived notions/excitement about the OR in first year and wanted to make sure I was serious about it).

I'm sure your school of nursing will require you to have nursing electives - you should see if they would give you credit for electives from another institution (such as the BCIT perioperative courses, for example).

Anyways, just wanted to pass along some information to you. I have spent a lot of time coming up with this "plan", and if all goes well I should be in my final practicum/preceptorship in the OR in one year from now. :w00t:

I hope you enjoy your surgical rotation. Try to get as much out of it as possible: volunteer to do skills, offer your assistance, ask questions, and most importantly... ask for help when needed! Take advantage of being a student while you're still a student; something cool going on in the OR? Ask your instructor to follow the patient through! In my experience, some instructors can be very unsupportive of OR goals... don't let it daunt you. If that really is your passion, make it clear and try to get as many opportunities as possible.

Best of luck to you,

-- Kari, BSN3

Hi Sarah,

Just dropping in to wish you good luck with your nursing studies.

And best wishes on your charted course for a career in the OR!

:anpom:Cheering you on!

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Yes, Sarah we are cheering you on! I still feel the way you do and I have been in the OR for several years. It IS amazing!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hi everyone :) Thankyou for your posts/feedback!

Well I have finished my surgical rotation about a month ago. And I am now in 8 weeks of medical/surgical consolidation. I have spent a lot of time in emerg lately because my instructor works downstairs in emerg where I am doing my rotation. She has brought me down there numerous times.

I actually had a full day in the OR.. and then 3 patient follow throughs. I am glad I had these experiences. However, I think that I am a better fit for emerg where the pace is fast, there are tons of different patients with different reasons, and the entire atmosphere is different.

Unfortunatly, I am not able to ESN because my program goes through summer. We are a full 120 credit BSN program stuffed into 3 years. Unlike others like BCIT already require you to have 30 credits prior to entering the program. SO... I am in school ALL the time, with 2 weeks or so between semesters :) fun, i know. I am still considering applying to be able to ESN. What's the worst they can say.. no? haha.

As for doing nursing electives, I know for a fact that facilities will pay you to specialize. I know I will have the opportunity to work in emerg right out of nursing school for I have talked to the PCC on the unit etc. She gave me great advice saying that I should wait to do emerg/critical care electives at BCIT until i actually have a job because fraser health has a program where they will PAY for your specialty program. SO.. i stuck with an oncology class which counts as an elective and I am doing that at my school for now :)

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