Opportunity to learn at MGH or BWH


So I have an opportunity to work at Mass General or Brigham and I can't decide where to go. Both are incredible institutions where I know I'll be learning from some of the best. However, I can not decide which one to go to. Does anybody have experience at either? How was it? Thank you

My input may be a little dated. I worked at BWH... over a decade ago. One thing I can tell you is that I worked with a physician at my next job that had come from MGH, but it was just like working with the docs I was used to at BWH. He did things like the docs on my old unit, and his expectations of me were what I was used to from my old job. My guess is that because both BWH & MGH are under the umbrella of Partners Healthcare, they have similar systems in place in terms of how things run.

My advice (and the moral of my long story, lol) is this: look at other considerations in making your choice. Is one closer to you or an easier commute? For example, commuting from the north by car (as I did) to BWH when the Red Sox were playing a home game at Fenway was a 1.5-2 hour commute for me, MGH would have been easier. Will you be working in a specialty unit? There may be differences in the services provided that you could consider. For example, at the time that I worked at BWH, the NICU there was bigger and busier than at MGH, but MGH did ECMO and BWH did not.

Thank you! That definitely did help, I'm leaning towards BWH. However, MGH seems to be bigger with a more diverse emergency room(which is where I'm potentially working).

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