Published Feb 28, 2012
52 Posts
I am almost done with my RN program, I will finish in May. I think I will be able to get a job in the CT OR, But I would like to become a CTICU nurse someday. So I even bother sticking with the OR, or just move out and go to step down????
Adam :thankya:
Creamsoda, ASN, RN
728 Posts
Im not an OR nurse, but do you really think that you would start off in the CT OR as a new grad? Unless they have a great training program. But even where I work we dont get trained for the hearts untill at least 5 years experience. But like I said, im not an OR nurse.
Im an OR tech in the CT OR now so my nurse manager said I could switch my position over.
240 Posts
I would stick it out in the OR as a nurse for awhile. CV OR training is difficult to get and opportunities will be bright for you having done that. You would probably be expected to stick around for awhile though.
5 Posts
I would definitely not start out in the CT OR or even the regular OR as an RN, way too specialized. I started out in the CVICU as a new grad and have done very well. In my opinion it would be difficult to go from OR to ICU because in OR you don't really do the patient care. Just a thought. Good luck!
Hey,I am almost done with my RN program, I will finish in May. I think I will be able to get a job in the CT OR, But I would like to become a CTICU nurse someday. So I even bother sticking with the OR, or just move out and go to step down????ThanksAdam :thankya: