Online programs in GA


Does anyone know of a website that lists what online programs GA accepts? I just started in my ADN program, but was looking ahead at some ADN to BSN or MSN online programs. (I'm a look ahead kinda gal.)

Anyway, I know that I have heard that GA does not accept Excelsior for example. Heard of anymore, or have you had success of GA licensure with any?

Thanks a bunch!

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

GA actually does accept Excelsior, but students must complete a preceptorship before taking boards. And as an EC grad, I can endorse my license into Georgia if I choose to do so because I have more than the required number of years of experience as an RN. I'm actually living and working in Georgia now, but because I'm in the Army, my license is still through my home state (Virginia). :)

When it comes to what a state BON accepts, they will always look at the origin of your RN; they have no "jurisdiction" over where your BSN is completed because it doesn't affect your initial license. As far as MSN goes, it depends on which kind. If you're looking for an NP flavor of MSN in which you're seeking NP licensure, that would be wise to check with the GA BON.

Thanks Lunah. :) Makes good sense.

Darton College in Albany has a online program.

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