Online program


Hi, I am looking for an online program for the theory part of the nursing program/ clinincal part I realize I will have to attend clinicals. Does anyone know of a school that offers such? I actually just need to go back and get my RN I have my LPN.


Why are you looking for just the theory part? You know you can't graduate with just half the program under your belt and I doubt any school would allow you to enroll for only half the program. The most popular distance RN education program is Excelsior College: However, to graduate, one must take the clinical evaluation, CPNE, at the end. Another distance option is the Indiana State University LPN to BSN program. But it has clinical classes too. You will find that all distance programs have some kind of clinical requirements. If you do an internet search, you can probably find other programs.

In order to be eligible to write the NCLEX-RN, you'll have to complete a nursing program approved by your state BON. I suggest you check with them to see what options you have (e.g., online programs vs. bricks & mortar).

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