ONLINE MPH programs that DON'T require the GRE?


I have started my exhausting search for MPH programs that are "reasonably priced." While I plan on taking the GRE this summer I would also like to know which programs do not require the GRE for entrance into their MPH program. Please only list CEPH accredited programs thank you!!

Also, when cost per credit hour is concerned what is the average cost? I really don't want to take out any more loans if at all possible. Thus, I am really trying to steer clear of the schools that are greater than $700/credit but feel free to list all.

There are similar threads but none with the MPH specifically in mind.

Thanks in advance.

Specializes in Gerontology, nursing education.

I am curious as to why you are looking for MPH programs rather than MSN. I would think the requirements might be similar and there are many reasonably-priced online MSN programs that don't require the GRE.

Specializes in Public health nursing.

Here's a list I've been compiling of programs that are CEPH accredited & don't require the GRE. I don't have the faintest idea about each school's tuition though...

University of Oklahoma -

Des Moines University -

New Mexico State University -

University of South Florida -


I think I am in the same situation as you are. I searched around for a MPH program that does not require GREs, online program at a affordable price and my best choice was Florida International University (FIU). They had accepted me into the program for Spring 2011. However, I do have a MS degree already, so I am not sure what would be the criteria for an applicant with a bachelors degree only. It is worth to try...

Good Luck

Like Online MBA's, I think more and more will eventually come online without such requirement. I believe less emphasis is being put on standardized test taking such as GRE and more on the ability of the student to succeed in the program and acquire work experience along the way.

I did find a few other online programs with no requirement:

Liberty University - No GRE - I had to dig deep wasn't easy to find.

Medical College of Wisconsin - No GRE if you transfer from their Certificate program.

San Jose State University - No GRE required if you have a Master's or Doctorate from elsewhere

Loma Linda University - Not required, unless GPA is less than 3.0.

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