Published Jul 25, 2005
2 Posts
I am a stay at home mom with a BSN from Univ of Mich, 1996, am a licensed R.N. Am thinking of doing my MSN online.
What are my employment possibilities with an online degree? I am looking at things such as teaching at online places, doing programs for ceu houses, or such distance work as I am currently overseas.
I'm trying to see if it's worth it, what I can do with it, and so on.
Please let me know what the current opinion is on online MSNs.....
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I did my MSN through University of Phoenix with a concentration in management and leadership. They now have an education concentration. However, I realized that what I really want to do is the clinical side of it, so I'm back in school for a clinical nurse specialist.
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Congratulations on the MSN! What kind of CNS are you going for?
Did everyone accept your MSN online as legit? Have you applied for jobs with it?
I'm looking at this program....
My husband is getting his masters thru Cal. State online, so I just looked it up.....
Any opinions on how it looks versus U of Phoenix?
Sue T
Sharann - I'm doing my CNS in adult med-surg and hope (fingers crossed) that I can get a trauma position. (I have 9 years in our level one ER).
Susant - I have applied for positions with my MSN (I just graduated in June 05), but decided that management is not what I want to do. About halfway through the MSN I started thinking about the reasons I was doing it and came up with only wanting to do the clinical aspect of advanced practice nursing. As to the legitimacy of it, yes, it is an accredited school. In fact the school where I'm doing my CNS is on-line also (affiliated with the hospital where I work). However, we do meet 3 times during the semester. I think any online program is okay, provided its accredited. Let me know what you decide.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
I'm doing my MSN in education on line, but when the clinical (teaching) courses come up, they do their best to place students as near to home as possible. Mine is through UNM, so shouldn't have any trouble getting it accepted!
U of Phoenix cost nearly three times as much, when I checked them out. My program would have been over $16,000.